How to show blogs, photos and videos of friends
(bagaimana cara menampilkan blog, foto dan video teman)

file to modify: includes\libs\
(file yang dimodifikasi: includes\libs\

function: liststories

change every where you see ( ubah dimanapun kamu melihat kode dibawah)
Codes.uid in ('uid$')

Codes.uid in (uid$)

video thumbnail in feed

file to modify: includes\libs\ (in pro version)
file to modify: includes\libs\ (in free version)

function stream_display

replace this code

$att = '<div class="att_box">';
if (strlen($attachment['name'])) {
if (strlen($attachment['uri'])) {
$att .= '<div class="att_name">'.url($attachment['uri'],h($attachment['name'])).'</div>';


$att = '<div class="att_box">';
if (strlen($attachment['name'])) {
if (strlen($attachment['uri'])&& (!is_array($attachment['thumb']))) {
$att .= '<div class="att_name">'.url($attachment['uri'],h($attachment['name'])).'</div><a href="'.uhome().'/'.$attachment['uri'].'" /><img src="'.uhome().'/'.$attachment['thumb'].'" /></a>';


How to add stream update when changing/adding avatar
 file to modify includes\libs\account.module.php

function avatarpost

$stream['name'] = 'photos';
$stream['id'] = $client['id'];
$res = sql_query("select id from `".tb()."pages` where uid='{$client['id']}' ");
$page = sql_fetch_array($res);

if ($profile['avatar']) {
stream_publish(t('changed the profile picture.'),'',$stream,$uid,$page['id']);
else {
stream_publish(t('added a profile picture.'),'',$stream,$uid,$page['id']);


} //end of if
} // end of function avatarpost

How to fix Call to undefined method error
file to modify: includes\libs\

search for this

if (!strlen($app_content)) {

add this

if (!$parr[1]) {
$parr[1] = 'index';
if (!method_exists($parr[0],$parr[1])) {
die('The page you requested was not found.');

hide the "comment form"
 file to modify: includes\libs\

function comment_form

$(".commentsubmit").click(function() {
if ($(this).prev()[0].value != "") {
var thiscomment = $(this).parents(".quick_comment_form");
var cbox =;
var mbox = thiscomment.find(".commentmessage");
var tbox =;
cbox.html("<img src=\"'.uhome().'/files/loading.gif\" /> Submitting");
return false;

the line


modification "about me"


function show_sidebar

put the code

Codeass(array('title'=>t(''), 'content' => '<div class="toolbar">'.'<div style="border:1px solid #90C42D;margin-bottom:20px;"><div style="padding: 7px; position: relative;">'.$owner['about_me'].'</div>'));

before //following

dellete code in //friends

Modification "Information" in leftsidebar

in file
Codefunction details($profile) {
global $client;
if ($client['id'] == $profile['id']) {
$edit = ' <strong>'.url('account',t('Edit')).'</strong>';
if (strlen($profile['fullname'])) {
$output .= '<dt>'.t('Full Name').'</dt>
if ($profile['birthmonth']) {
$birth_info = '<dt>'.t('Birthday').'</dt>
$output .= '
<dt>'.t('About me').'</dt>
<dt>'.t('Come from').'</dt>
// custom fields
for($i=1;$i<=7;$i++) {
$col = 'var'.$i;
$key = 'cf_var'.$i;
$key2 = 'cf_var_value'.$i;
$key3 = 'cf_var_des'.$i;
$key4 = 'cf_var_label'.$i;
$type = get_gvar($key);
$value = get_gvar($key2);
$des = get_gvar($key3);
$label = get_gvar($key4);
if ($type != 'disabled' && strlen($profile[$col])) {
$output .= '
return array('title'=>t('Details').$edit,'content'=>$output);

Replace with this..

Codefunction details($profile) {
global $client;
if ($client['id'] == $profile['id']) {
$edit = ' <span style="float:right;font-weight:normal; color:#4366ad;">'.url('account',t('<img src="'.uhome().'/files/icons/edit.png" title="Edit My Information"/>')).'</span>';
if (strlen($profile['fullname'])) {
$output .= '<span style="font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;color:#4366ad;padding-bottom:5px;">'.htmlspecialchars($profile['fullname']).'</span>';

if ($profile['birthmonth']) {
$birth_info = '<dt>'.t('Birthday').'</dt>
$output .= '<div style="margin-left:5px;">'.'
<dt>'.t('Come from').' : <span style="font-weight:normal;">'.($profile['location']).'</span>'.'</dt>
<dt>'.t('Gender').' : <span style="font-weight:normal;">'.gender($profile['gender']).'</span>'.'</dt>
<dt>'.t('Age').' : <span style="font-weight:normal;">'.get_age($profile['birthyear'],$profile['hide_age']).'</span>'.'</dt>
<dt>'.t('Registered').' : <span style="font-weight:normal;">'.get_date($profile['created']).'</span>'.'</dt>'.'</div>'
// custom fields
for($i=1;$i<=7;$i++) {
$col = 'var'.$i;
$key = 'cf_var'.$i;
$key2 = 'cf_var_value'.$i;
$key3 = 'cf_var_des'.$i;
$key4 = 'cf_var_label'.$i;
$type = get_gvar($key);
$value = get_gvar($key2);
$des = get_gvar($key3);
$label = get_gvar($key4);
if ($type != 'disabled' && strlen($profile[$col])) {
$output .= '<div style="margin-left:5px;">'.'
<dt>'.$label.' : <span style="font-weight:normal;">'.htmlspecialchars($profile[$col]).'</span>'.'</dt>'.'</div>
return array('title'=>t('Info').$edit,'content'=>$output);

Note: upload your icon ( "edit.png") first

step by step how to install tipTip plugin

1. Download tiptip from here
2. Upload and extract to includes folder
3. Go to page.tpl.php , copy this script
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $uhome;?>/includes/tiptip/jquery.tipTip.minified.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $uhome;?>/includes/tiptip/tipTip.css" type="text/css" />
find and paste after this
     (paste here)
4. copy this script
<script type="text/javascript">
and paste before this script
    (paste here)
5. Go to
find function stream_display

and replace this code
function stream_display($row = array(),$type = '',$hide_form=0,$target_id = 0) {
global $client, $config;
if (!$row['avatar'] || !$row['fullname']) {
$res = sql_query("select avatar,fullname from ".tb()."accounts where username='{$row['username']}'");
$row2 = sql_fetch_array($res);
$row['fullname'] = $row2['fullname'];
if (!$row2['avatar'])
$row['avatar'] = 'undefined.jpg';
$row['avatar'] = $row2['avatar'];
if (!$row['wall_uid']) {
$res = sql_query("select uid from ".tb()."pages where id='{$row['wall_id']}'");
$row3 = sql_fetch_array($res);
$row['wall_uid'] = $row3['uid'];
if (count($row['attachment']) > 1) {
$attachment = $row['attachment'];
if ($attachment['cwall_id'] == 'none') {
$no_comment = 1;
$att = '<div class="att_box">';
if (strlen($attachment['name'])) {
if (strlen($attachment['uri'])) {
$att .= '<div class="att_name">'.url($attachment['uri'],h($attachment['name'])).'</div><a href="'.uhome().'/'.$attachment['uri'].'" /><img src="'.uhome().'/'.$attachment['thumb'].'" /></a>';
else {
$att .= '<div class="att_name">'.h($attachment['name']).'</div>';
if (strlen($attachment['title'])) {
$att .= '<div class="att_title">'.url($attachment['uri'],h($attachment['title']) ).'</div>';
if (is_array($attachment['thumb']) && $type != 'simple') {
foreach ($attachment['thumb'] as $thumb) {
if ($thumb) {
$thumbs .= url($attachment['uri'],'<img src="'.uhome().'/'.$thumb.'" />');
if (strlen($attachment['des']) || strlen($thumbs)) {
$att .= '<div class="att_des">'.$thumbs.h($attachment['des']).'</div>';
$att .= '</div>';
if ($row['app']) {
$row['cwall_id'] = $row['app'].$row['aid'];
$icon = '/modules/'.$row['app'].'/icon';
if ($row['app'] == 'pcomment') {
$icon = '/files/appicons/pcomment';
else {
$row['cwall_id'] = $row['id'];
$icon = '/files/appicons/status';
$row['message'] = $row['message'].' '.url('u/'.$row['username'].'/status/'.$row['id'], t('View status'));
if ($client['id'] && $type != 'simple' && !$hide_form && !$no_comment) {
$comment_form = comment_form($row['id']);
if (!$hide_form && $type != 'simple' && !$no_comment) {
if (!$config['stream_delete_form_displayed']) {
$config['stream_delete_form_displayed'] = 1;
$(document).ready( function(){
$("a[class=stream_delete]").click( function () {
var parentdd = $(this).parents(".user_post_1");
var sid = $(this).prev()[0].value;
$(this).after("<img src=\''.uhome().'/files/loading.gif\' /> hiding..");
$.get(\''.uhome().'/index.php?p=jquery/stream_delete/\'+sid, function(data) {
return false;
if ($row['uid'] == $client['id'] || in_array('3',$client['roles']) ) {
$row['message'] = $row['message'].' |
<input type="hidden" name="streamid" value="'.$row['id'].'" /><a href="#" class="stream_delete">'.t('Hide').'</a>';

if ($type == 'simple' && !$no_comment) {
$avatar_size = 50;
$avatar_box_size = 60;
$comment_get = '';
else {
$avatar_size = 50;
$avatar_box_size = 60;
$comment_get = comment_get($row['id'],15);
if ($row['likes'] > 0) {
if ($row['likes'] == 1) {
$likes_line = '<a class="tipTip"title="'.get_first_user_liked_name($row['id']).' ">'.t('{1} likes this','<strong>'.get_first_user_liked_name($row['id']).'</strong>'.'</a>');
else {
$likes_line = '<a class="tipTip" title=" '.get_all_users_liked_name($row['id']).'">'.t('{1} people like this'.'</a>','<strong>'.$row['likes'].'</strong>');
$comment_likes = '<div class="user_comment">
<table width="100%">
<td class="user_post_right" valign="middle"><img src="'.uhome().'/files/icons/thumbs_up.png"> '

$icon = '<img src="'.uhome().$icon.'.png" />';
if ($row['app'] == 'photo') {
$icon = '';
if ($row['wall_id'] != $row['uid'] && $row['wall_id'] != $target_id) {
if ($row['wall_uid'] != $row['uid']) {
$res = sql_query("select p.*,u.avatar,u.fullname from ".tb()."pages as p left join ".tb()."accounts as u on where'{$row['wall_id']}'");
$page = sql_fetch_array($res);
if ($page['type'] == 'u') {
$hdh = url('u/'.$page['uri'],t("{1}'s wall",'<strong>'.h($page['fullname']).'</strong>'));
else {
$hdh = url('page/'.$page['uri'],'<strong>'.h($page['name']).'</strong>');
$row['message'] = t('Post on').' '.$hdh.'<br />'.$row['message'];
return '
<div class="user_post_1">
<table width="100%">
<td class="user_post_left" width="'.$avatar_box_size.'" valign="top">'.avatar($row,$avatar_size).'</td>
<td class="user_post_right" valign="top">
<strong>'.url('u/'.$row['username'], $row['fullname']).'</strong>
<div class="att_bottom">'.$icon.' '.get_date($row['created']).'</div>


6.Copy this code

function get_first_user_liked_name($stream_id) {

$res = sql_query("select fullname from ".tb()."accounts as a inner join ".tb()."liked as l on = l.uid where l.stream_id = {$stream_id} limit 1" );
$row = sql_fetch_array($res);

return $row['fullname'];


function get_all_users_liked_name($stream_id) {

$res = sql_query("select fullname from ".tb()."accounts as a inner join ".tb()."liked as l on = l.uid where l.stream_id = {$stream_id}" );
while ($row = sql_fetch_row($res)) {
$names[] = $row[0];
$name = implode ('<br/>',$names);

return $name;

paste to bottom before ?>

(paste here)
7. go to jquery.module.php
and replace this function
function dolike() {
global $client, $config;
if (!$client['id']) die('<div class="ferror">please login first</div>');
if ( !eregi("^[0-9a-z]+$",$_POST['target_id']) ) die('no target id');
if (!is_numeric($_POST['target_id'])) {
die('wrong target id');
$res = sql_query("select * from ".tb()."liked where stream_id='{$_POST['target_id']}' and uid='{$client['id']}' limit 1");
if (sql_counts($res)) {
sql_query("delete from ".tb()."liked where stream_id='{$_POST['target_id']}' and uid='{$client['id']}'");

sql_query("delete from ".tb()."comments where stream_id='{$_POST['target_id']}' and uid='{$client['id']}' and message='$msg'");

sql_query("update ".tb()."streams set likes=likes-1 where id='{$_POST['target_id']}'");
echo t('Unliked').'<br />';
else {
$like = array('uid'=>$client['id'],'stream_id'=>$_POST['target_id']);
sql_query("update ".tb()."streams set likes=likes+1 where id='{$_POST['target_id']}'");


simple add friend
 in browse page:
if you want to add friends, too many steps to go through. add friend
2.send request
3.Click here to go on
and 4. must click again "browse".

how can these steps be eliminated. just click add friend. our request success, and immediately redirect to browse page again.

1. click add friend
2. send request (our request success)and immediately redirect to browse page.

go to function addpost (friends.module.php)
and replace this code
// do add
$res = sql_query("select * from `".tb()."friend_reqs` where uid={$client['id']} and fid={$user['id']} ");
if (!sql_counts($res)) {
sql_query("insert into `".tb()."friend_reqs` (uid,fid,created,msg) values ({$client['id']},{$user['id']},".time().",'{$_POST['msg']}')");
else {
sql_query("update `".tb()."friend_reqs` set created=".time().",msg='{$_POST['msg']}' where uid={$client['id']} and fid={$user['id']} ");

/*redirect(url('browse'),t('Your request has been sent successfully'));*/



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194 komentar:

Santa Mars mengatakan... [Reply To Comment]

thank my friends

mau tanya mas mengatakan... [Reply To Comment]

aplikasi umumnya itu dicopy di mana?

mau tanya mas mengatakan... [Reply To Comment]

aplikasi umumnya itu dicopy di mana?

ziuma mengatakan... [Reply To Comment]

maaf pak, saya mau tanya kalau bahasa (module language) di upload di mana? saya coba upload di modules/language kok ngak mau jalan ya.

oh ya kalau berkenan mohon cek dan beri saran. saya coba coba link bahasanya error404 terus. terima kasih

Anonim mengatakan... [Reply To Comment]

artikel yang sangat bagus pak.
saya simak :)

language km upload melalui admin panel di translate klik import.
nah lalu misalnya km import bahasa indonesia pasti ID.
km tinggal masukan link untuk perubahan bahasa melalui page.tpl.php misalnya :

coba di lihat di
klw ada yg mw di tanyakan berkunjung juga bs...
makasih semoga membantu.

Anonim mengatakan... [Reply To Comment]

menambah kam sedikit tentang language tadi ada yg kurang.



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